About Us

Upcoming Trips


Philippines - 2024

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Unimedlink will be making an inaugural medical trip to the Philippines in 2024! The clinic days are scheduled for March 1-4.

Flag of Romania

Romania - 2025

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Unimedlink will plan on returning to Romania in Spring of 2025! The medical trip is scheduled for April 21-25 and is undergoing further planning following the successful trip in May of ’24.

Flag of Kenya

Kenya - 2025

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Unimedlink will be returning to Kenya yet again in 2025! The medical trip is scheduled for September 6-12.

Our History

Established in 2014, Unimedlink International is 501c charitable organization composed of a 100% volunteer group of doctors, nurses, and support staff. Our medical clinics began in Kenya in 2014. Our founder Gitiha (Sam) Kaniu RN gathered a small team of his coworkers who traveled to his home village and saw an overwhelming number of patients at the Kagaa dispensary which provided valuable insights for future trips. Each subsequent year we return with more staff, more supplies and improved organization to create more impactful visits.

2015 saw political unrest in Kenya and organizations such as ours suddenly were not allowed to provide medical care for a one year moratorium. This did not deter us and we changed our focus that year to providing the local schools with water filtration, pencils, paper, globes, soccer balls, jump ropes and toothbrushes.

In 2018 we added clinics in Zanzibar, Tanzania and continued with both Kenya and Zanzibar the following year as well as adding another Kenyan clinic at Kagwee. Then the Covid 19 pandemic hit. During that restricted travel time we made a connection in Romania and are planning our first medical clinics there in 2021. We plan on returning to Africa and Romania in subsequent years assuming Covid vaccinations continue to progress allowing safe travel to return.


We assist in providing the following services:
• Screening for undiagnosed diabetes and hypertension
• Reducing risk of communicable diseases (TB and HIV) and tropical diseases (Malaria and Typhoid)
• Deworming for school age children and the general population
• Wellness education (water treatment, personal hygiene, nutrition)
• Wound assessment and basic wound care
• Breast examinations and Cervical Cancer screenings
• Prenatal care and well baby follow up
• Eyeglasses

In addition to the above, we have assisted the local primary schools, representing combined population of over 1000 children, with the basic needs of education including pencils, writing tablets, rulers and books as well as eyeglasses and water filtration.. We have provided similar support to the Hawa children’s home and in addition provided uniforms and two milk producing cows!

Accomplishing these goals requires support from several sources including corporations, charitable and fraternal organizations, private donors and most importantly, YOU. We are asking for your financial assistance to help reach our goals and continue to make the delivery of this humanitarian aid a reality

Please send your check or money order payable to:
Unimedlink International Inc.
Mail to:
Unimedlink International Inc P.O. Box 5873
Auburn Ca. 95604
Or donate via PayPal; to Unimedlink@gmail.com

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